So I got the basic step sequencer architecture up and running. I made it as flexible and upgradeable as I possibly could, without making it too complex.
Currently I'm using 20.44 fixed points to iteratively calculate the absolute position in the pattern and then doing rest of the math and triggering based on that data. This approach streamlines the overall step sequencer architecture nicely and makes it a bit easier to integrate all kinds of fancy extras. Some of them are the upcoming swing function, MIDI sync and the note offset & note length which scale with the swing properly.
Here is a video showing the step sequencer running and updating the LEDs accordingly. The lit up LEDs have note data in them. The oscilloscope screen shows debug control data the microcontroller's DAC sends out.
The oscilloscope also shows that the long notes are properly cut off by the new ones. That would be the second longer "bump" which has a hump at the end.
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